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Visitors 205
33 photos

Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge is one of the most beautiful places on earth and the winter home for thousands of migratory birds since before the beginning of recorded history.

Pocossin Lakes NWR Focus Activities
Waterfowl management on 12,000 acre Pungo Unit.
Management of unique pocosin habitat.
Extensive wetland restoration has begun on 19,000 acres
Reforestation of Atlantic white cedar.
Natural History
Refuge lands once the southern extremity of the Great Dismal Swamp.
Concentrations of ducks, geese tundra swans, raptors and black bears.
Re-introduction site of endangered red wolf.
Open water 6,291 acres; riverine swamp 25,427 acres; pocosin wetlands 50,319 acres; agriculture 1,200 acres; grass fields 25,828 acres; pine hardwood forest 1,486 acres; other 3,123 acres.

Pea Island NWR

Alligator River NWR
Immature Red-TailMerlinImmature Bald EagleGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue HeronCanada GeeseAmerican WidgeonFemale WidgeonLesser ScaupShovelerPea Island NWRPea Island NWRRedhead DucksRedhead DuckBonaparte's GullRing-bill Gull